Video Introduction--Start Here!
Click the banner above for a quick tour with more about these diverse zines from our Special Collections. Press any image to enlarge.

Ciencia y Fantasía. No. 8 (undated).

Ciencia y Fantasía. No. 13 (undated).

Uchujin. No. 156 (July 1971).

Kyben. No. 3 (September 1972).

Instead of a banner link, this section has a video.
"Latinx Science Fiction: Genealogies, Foundations, Futures" with Ernest Hogan, Cathryn Merla-Watson, and Matthew Goodwin is an electric panel discussion that occurred Oct 29 in celebration of the opening day of the Zines to the Future! Exhibit and our theme, "Imagining Diverse Futures."
Our three panelists are award-winning experts who produced ground-breaking firsts in Latinx sf: Hogan's Cortez on Jupiter (originally published 1990) is the first Chicano sf novel; Merla-Watson's Altermundos (2017) is the first critical collection focused on Latinx futurisms; and Goodwin's Latinx Rising (2017) is the first sf anthology of U.S. Latinx writers. These breakthroughs are wonderful, but the recent publication dates reveal how far we have to go.
Latinx Science Fiction: Genealogies, Foundations, Futures

Ernest Hogan, Cortez on Jupiter (2014)

Cathryn Merla-Watson and B.V. Olguín, Editors, Altermundos: Latin@ Speculative Literature, Film, and Popular Culture (2017)

Matthew Goodwin, Editor, Latin@ Rising: an anthology of Latin@ science fiction and fantasy (2017)

Innovative Arts Futures Conference poster (2020)

Nisi Shawl, Everfair (2016)
For a quick tour of the pioneering, award-winning diverse stories that inspired our artists, click the banner above. Press any image to enlarge.

Luis Valdez, Luis Valdez—early works: Actos, Bernabé, and Pensamiento serpentino (1990).

Octavia Butler, Bloodchild and Other Stories (1995)

Ken Liu, from The Future is Japanese (2012)

Rebecca Roanhorse, Trail of Lightening (2018)

Enlarge images below to learn what story inspired which art

Daniel Gonzalez (2020), inspired by Luis Valdez, "Los Vendidos" (1967)

Cliff Cramp (2020), inspired by Octavia Butler, "Bloodchild" (1984)

Rosina Flores (2020), inspired by Octavia Butler, "Bloodchild (1984)

Donna Letterse (2020), inspired by Gloria Anzuldúa, "Interface" (1987)

Alexander Dellosa (2020), inspired by Ken Liu, "Mono No Aware" (2012)

Brandih Kim (2020), inspired by Ken Liu, "Mono No Aware" (2012)

Brandih Kim (2020), inspired by Ken Liu, "Mono No Aware" (2012)

Cliff Cramp (2020), inspired by Nisi Shawl, Everfair (2016)

Anne Smith (2020), inspired by Rebecca Roanhorse, "Welcome to Your Authentic Native American Experience" (2017)

Monique Johnson (2020), inspired by Rebecca Roanhorse, "Welcome to Your Authentic Native American Experience" (2017)